Saturday, August 26, 2006

Ev'rybody's learning how...

Ah the joys of CouchSurfing.

I have been shown my temporary new flat by my new CouchSurfing host Ornella (she's on the left below, on the phone) and it's loverly. Pretty central and has a cool shower (my biggest priority in any place I'm staying) and with a beautiful double-matress on the floor replete with high-tog-rated double duvet and fluffy pillow that's the exact opposite of my previous Star-Wars-clad squalour in England. It means I'm getting first-rate accommodation in a private flat all of my own at a grand cost of nought. The flat also has a very well endowed window box (see left).

Me and the girls shown above went for a Japanese meal last night (believe it or not the first time I'd ever eaten sushi) and we had a great time, mostly in French, with Ornella inviting me to dinner with her mum on sunday and both girls imploring me to stay in Bordeaux. All very flattering but I'm concerned that my heart still belongs in Toulouse and that if I don't go there I'll be full of regrets, thinking of the atmosphere that so took hold of me when I was there.

Well, for now I feel like I'm going to stick in BDX for at least another two or three days as the evenings with Ornella are always so much fun. Tonight another CouchSurfer arrives: a German dude who is cycling around Europe playing his accordian on the streets for cash.

And you thought fiction was strange....


oh p.s. I've trampled over yet another line I said I'd never cross and now have a YouTube account. I've got some vids on their that I took with my digital camera which are charming enough. It's here.

Some Bordeaulaise street scenes


  1. Anonymous11:31 pm

    hello rob,
    its jacob here. sounds like you're having a good time. jules the mother hen is worrying about you. let him know you are alive and well.

    love, jacob

  2. Anonymous5:33 pm

    Yo mo fo ho!

    Just watched your videos. It would be way cooler and more interesting if you spoke on them some more.

  3. Hi Jacob. Have contacted mother hen. Thanks for the tip-off.

    Alan, the day I start taking advice from you about making movies is the day my career as a cinematographer is over...
