Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Rob-Bus rolls on

This is all going to be a bit rushed so I apologise for the lack of the usual 8,000 carefully chosen words on a variety of stimulating topics but I'm in an internet cafe where the time counts DOWN and not up meaning I've got 8minutes and 14 seconds to write this blog entry.

Having returned from Hungary with a Pass 'A' result in my CELTA qualification (that's good by the way!) I was filled with enthusiasm and drive to find work, but also a mild sense of disgust with Toulouse and it's unemployed population, dragging their feet around town trying to dodge the dog shit. It was a stark contrast to Budapest which is really a thriving, moving and exciting place. It's just all happening there whereas in Toulouse it feels like it's continually the day after a massive party and the streets are filthy and everyone's hung over and pissed off.

So I decided to do what in technical terms is probably called Denial-Of-Service hacking and is strictly illegal: I copy and pasted the email addresses of every language school advertising itself in the Yellow Pages for Toulouse, Paris, Montpellier, Nice and Strasbourg and wrote one big uber-email saying: "I'm here. Who want me?"

and someone wants me.

Strange huh?

So, I've booked my flight and I'm moving to Strasbourg on Saturday. That's really it. My love affair with Toulouse followed all the usual patterns: teething problems (no flat, no job), honeymoon (Alliance Francaise), comfortable marriage (my time spent at Jonny's house), a wild affair (the fun had with my two french housemates for the last two months), followed by a growing disgust and eventual divorce.

I start work on Monday in Strasbourg with a grand total of 2 teaching hours per week and have 200 euros left in the world after my flight purchase to make my new life work.

Don't say I don't make things difficult for myself. If I live to tell the tale, I'll let you know how it goes.

Your foreign friend,

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