Saturday, January 06, 2007

Well it's off I go to sunny Hungary...

Eugh! So much to say and so little life left in which to say it.

A summary then (not a habit of mine, keeping things brief, but I'll do what I can):

New Year's Eve which threatened to be such a lonely disastrous affair turned into an absolute delight: I took the decision to get out of my appartement and onto the streets of Toulouse to try and find my fortune, or at least someone to celebrate with. Found a top bar, made friends with the barman, got hopelessly drunk on free drinks and chatted to pretty much everyone in the place. We completely missed midnight and the countdown and all that. We were simply having too much fun. Top stuff.

So Hungary. What's that all about I hear you ask....

My parents being the wonderful examples of human beings that they are have paid for me to go and do a TEFL course (teaching english to foreign adult learners for those who don't know) and the cheapest one is in Hungary so I depart tomorrow. It's going to be Toulouse-Paris by train and Paris-Budapest carried by eastern europe's first low-cost airline. 10 years ago this description of an airline would have struck fear into the hearts of those hearing it, but time's have changed. The EU's expanding and the website for the company looks posh, so I'm not worried.

This means four weeks of speaking, and teaching english, in foreign (france no longer counts) climates and something fun and constructive to do upon my return.


So I'm happy, all's good. Hope you can say the same for yourself in this new and exciting-sounding year, whoever and wherever you may be, dear reader.

See you on the other side of the iron curtain (not sure about this historical reference. someone surely will correct any inexactitude)


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:17 am

    Oooh Hungary! How exciting!
